One More Dimension Needed to Halt Climate Change
Abe Keita (Franciscan priest)

We are still in the middle of cold winter, but the national campaign to Stop Climate Change continues. The officially accepted Kyoto Protocol, called "Team Minus 6%" or the project that aims to reduce by 6% the gases produced by climate changes, has a double dimension. On one hand, the summer campaign "Cool Biz" calls on people to wear light in order to save air condition energy and, on the other hand, the "Warm Biz" winter campaign promotes the use of warm clothes to bring the temperature down to around 20C., thus cutting on the use of heating energy.
The running rules to manage the Kyoto Protocol on global climate change were officially accepted on 30 November 2005. Nevertheless, the concrete implementation program created doubts, due to the non participation of the United States. I could hardly believe the selfish American attitude when I listened to the news that, the reasons given not to participate were economic and industrial loses.
According to the Kyoto protocol, Japan must reduce by 6%, CO2 gases of climate change till 2012. Two International Conferences recently held in Ontario (Canada), the 11th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the First Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol planned to anticipate the next steps to follow, but due to the American attitude and the speculations of developing countries increasingly afraid of the imposition of future obligations, there were no special results, except a common general approval.

Looking at last year global natural disasters that provoked irregular phenomena of global climate change, we should give more serious thought to this issue, because I think we are in a situation where is difficult to find information easy to understand and experience the problems involved. It is also true that often we do not understand from where to start.
Those using PCs and the persons living in the Tokyo area can easily search and obtain proper knowledge by visiting sites and making delivery orders. I want to introduce here some helpful official institutions. The "Stop Ondankan" managed by Japan Center for Climate Change Action is one of them.
This institution offers free lending of educational materials and teaching aids, gives free conferences to groups of less than 50 participants and lends visual materials and text books and provides also services of Internet information on climate change and network of people working in that field. Posters can also be obtained free of charge. One can get many hints to start to halt climate change in daily life and usual food habits by using those facilities. I myself experienced already some concrete and possible ways to act.

There is something lacking, though. In other words, the training is limited to how to make the learning interesting and understandable to children, how to make people understand effectively patience and thrift. Going back to 1990, Fr. Nicolas, SJ, in a conference given at a seminar organized by the Jesuit social center on the Theology of Ecology, mentioned the need to reflect on the philosophical principles of ecological action. I felt that was lacking.
I consider necessary for Christians, at this stage of rich implementation theories, a Christian motivation to become involved in the issues of climate change and a dynamic vision to participate in the task of "re-creation". These are my reflections after using the facilities mentioned above. Besides the services one may find in institutions like "Stop Ondankan", there is a need of theological thinking on ecological issues to review our practical involvement.

[Those interested could contact "Stop Ondankan"]
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