Jesuit Social Center, Tokyo
Our Tokyo Jesuit Social Center translated into Japanese 3 booklets, last year published by the Center "Cristianisme i Justicia" (Spain). We introduce here the Japanese translation of a 4th booklet, CINEMA and the metamorphosis of great epic tales that has just been published. The above center, located in Barcelona (Spain), is run by a team of Jesuits that publishes studies and lectures given at seminars, focused on justice and faith issues, organized by the center. The present booklet picks up 4 SF fantasy movies quite popular nowadays among the youth and after examining their content, ethical and Christian reflections are given. We recommend the reading of the booklet to all those who like movies and those who would like to understand the culture of modern youth.
Our Tokyo Jesuit Social Center translated into Japanese 3 booklets, last year published by the Center "Cristianisme i Justicia" (Spain). We introduce here the Japanese translation of a 4th booklet, CINEMA and the metamorphosis of great epic tales that has just been published. The above center, located in Barcelona (Spain), is run by a team of Jesuits that publishes studies and lectures given at seminars, focused on justice and faith issues, organized by the center. The present booklet picks up 4 SF fantasy movies quite popular nowadays among the youth and after examining their content, ethical and Christian reflections are given. We recommend the reading of the booklet to all those who like movies and those who would like to understand the culture of modern youth.
The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Matrix were SF fantasy movies produced in modern times with a cost of over 100 million dollars, per movie, and an audience of more than 100 million persons, according to the author of the booklet. The profit has been over all expectations a mega-hit. Besides, it led to a whole new iconography that expanded through video games, role-playing games, posters, dolls, networks of fans on the Internet, so that it created an independent empire that has exerted a big impact on the youth. Young people discuss seriously the symbols represented in the films, the common elements to both, the heroes of the films and of the epic tales, the ethical and Christian values included in their messages.
The titles of the films might be surprising but if you read through you will get to understand.
In fact, I (Shibata) have watched all the 4 movies that appear in the booklet and I'm a fan of SF fantasy films. That's why I can understand the passion of the young for such movies. The problem comes from the lack of criticism youth shows for the messages given. Certainly, in Japan, some films and Animation stories are just "cult films" that attract today's generations as if they were new religions. They are neither "difficult" nor sophisticated films in their content, but are aimed at a mainstream public audience, and designed to be seen by millions of people. They include mythical symbols very attractive to the youth. In the myth there is often an extra meaning that relates to the sacred.
In every culture it is the sacred that really affects individuals and groups. The word "sacred" comes from the Indo-European word "sak-," which means, "to give life to," or "to make something become real." The domain of entertainment becomes something resembling the sacred when it is capable of bringing people to experience a different dimension of space and time to that which is real.
Back Number BOOKLETS
1. GLOBALIZATION by J.F. Maria i Serrano, SJ / The phenomenon of globalization is analyzed from 3 different levels: the techno-economic, the socio-political and the cultural level. Good for study sessions
2. IN SEARCH OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD by Joan Carrera i Carrera / It searches the possibilities of universal Christian ethics in the middle of a multi-value modern society.
3. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF VIOLENCE by Jose Sols / The 20th century has been the most violent century. Then, the 21st century started with terrorism and wars. Can globalization and democracy bring true peace? Violence is analyzed from different angles.
*Please, contact Tokyo's Jesuit Social Center, by mail, fax or e-mail. Write your name, address and the number of copies desired. The charge for copy (A5 size, pp32) is 100 Yen + mail costs.
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